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Guy on Death Row Last Meal Funny

What they ate in the last hours of their life

Electric chair execution (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

A A few days before their execution, death row prisoners are usually granted one "special meal". The regulations on the meal vary from continent to continent, country to county, and even state to state. In the United States, alcohol and cigarettes are usually not permitted. In Florida, the last meal can't be over $40 and in Oklahoma, $15 is the limit. In Louisiana, the prison director joins the convict for the last meal.

The dishes that the prisoners request are often steak, fried chicken, pizza, pasta, burgers, cakes, and pies. But every now and then, there will be an unusual request or some other strange circumstances connected with the last meal.

These are the nine bizarre last meal requests of death row prisoners you probably haven't heard about.

Victor Harry Feguer

In 1960, Victor Harry Feguer, a drifter from Michigan, arrived in Dubuque, Iowa. Upon arriving there he rented a room and began calling doctors from the Yellow Pages. Dr. Edward Bartels answered his call and Feguer claimed that a woman needed help. When Dr. Bartels arrived, Victor shot him in the head.

A few days later, the doctor's body was found in a cornfield and Feguer was arrested while trying to sell the victim's car. He was charged with kidnap-murder and sentenced to death. Feuger was 28 years old when he was executed by hanging on March 15, 1963.

Victor Harry Feguer's last meal request was a single olive with the pit left in. After the execution, the pit was found in his suit pocket. It is believed that Feguer wanted to be buried with the pit so an olive tree, which is a symbol of peace, would grow from his grave.

Victor Harry Feguer (Image made by author/ Original images from Wikimedia Commons)

Thomas J. Grasso

Thomas J. Grasso was 32-years old when he was executed by lethal injection at Oklahoma State Penitentiary on March 20, 1995.

Grasso's execution was punishment for the two lives he had taken. His first victim was 87-year-old Hilda Johnson whom he strangled using her Christmas tree lights on December 24, 1990. The woman lost her life for $12 and a television. Six months later, Grasso killed 81-year-old Leslie Holtz and stole his Social Security check.

He confessed to both crimes when he was arrested by New York detectives who were investigating the murder of his second victim.

Grasso's massive last meal consisted of two dozen mussels, two dozen clams, a half-dozen spare ribs, a double cheeseburger from Burger King, two strawberry milkshakes, half a pumpkin pie, strawberries, and a can of SpaghettiOs with meatballs. He got everything he asked for, but the prison cook used spaghetti instead of SpaghettiOs.

Grasso's last words, issued in a statement before his execution, were: "I did not get my SpaghettiOs, I got spaghetti. I want the press to know this".

Thomas J. Grasso (Image made by author/ Original images from Wikimedia Commons)

James Edward Smith

On March 7, 1983, James Edward Smith shot and killed Larry Don Rohus while robbing the Union Life Insurance Company. Smith was convicted of capital murder and was sentenced to death by lethal injection.

Smith's mother, Alexine Hamilton, defended her son insisting that he was brainwashed from practicing black magic and voodooism. Prior to his arrest, Smith claimed that he took part in six ritualistic killings where he sacrificed, beheaded, and threw off a bridge a one-year-old child.

For his last meal, Smith requested rhaeakunda dirt which is associated with voodoo rituals. He wanted to use it to mark his body so that his soul would move on and not stay on Earth as a ghost. Smith's request was not granted and on June 25, 1990, he received yogurt as his last meal.

James Smith was executed on June 26, 1990, in Huntsville. Before he died, Smith warned the officials that his ghost will haunt the prison for 300 years.

James Edward Smith (Image made by author/ Original images from Wikimedia Commons)

David Leon Woods

David Leon Woods spent an unbelievable 22 years on death row before being executed by lethal injection in Indiana, on May 4, 2007.

Prior to his arrest and conviction, Woods and his two friends went to the home of Juan Placencia intending to steal his television. They rang the doorbell of Placencia's apartment and when the man opened the door, Woods started stabbing him. They stole the TV and left the man to die.

But it was Woods who called the police the very next morning claiming that he found the victim's body when he wanted to use his phone.

While Woods was questioned by the police, his mother arrived and said that she thought her son was responsible for the murder. The police searched their house and found a bloodstained towel and a knife sheath. Woods was then taken to the police station where he broke down and confessed everything.

22 years later David Woods was granted a last meal before his execution. He chose to have pizza and birthday cake with his family.

His final words were: "I want Juan's family to know I truly am sorry, and I do have remorse." His birthday was three months after his execution.

David Leon Woods (Image made by author/ Original images from Wikimedia Commons)

Aileen Carol Wuornos

Aileen Carol Wuornos was an American serial killer and prostitute who operated in Florida. Between 1989 and 1990, she shot and killed seven men. Even though Wuornos claimed she was assaulted by the men and that she acted in self-defense, she was sentenced to death.

During her stay in prison, Wuornos did several interviews in which her damaged mental state and delusional behavior were apparent. Aileen claimed that she was abused and used since she was a young girl and that she hated men. She scored a 32/40 on the Psychopathy Checklist where a diagnosis of psychopathy is everything above 25.

Wuornos spent 10 years on death row and was executed on October 9, 2002, by lethal injection. Her last meal was a cup of coffee, and her last words were: "Yes, I would just like to say I'm sailing with the rock, and I'll be back, like Independence Day, with Jesus. June 6, like the movie. Big mother ship and all, I'll be back, I'll be back."

In 2003, only a year after Aileen's execution a movie about her and her crimes was made. The film titled "Monster" won Charlize Theron, who portrayed Wuornos, an Oscar.

Aileen Carol Wuornos (Image made by author/ Original images from Wikimedia Commons)

Philip Ray Workman

Philip Ray Workman was 28 years old when he shot and killed police officer Ronald Oliver while robbing a Wendy's restaurant in Memphis, on August 5, 1981. Shortly after he was arrested, Workman was sentenced to death by lethal injection. He was a cocaine addict and left a wife and an 8-year-old daughter behind.

In a last attempt to save his soul, Workman asked for a vegetarian pizza to be given to the homeless as his last meal. But prison officials denied his request and Workman refused to eat anything.

However, on May 9, 2007, the day of his execution, homeless shelters in Tennessee received vegetarian pizzas from all over the country.

Still insisting he was innocent, Workman's last words were: "I apologize for your loss and your pain. But I didn't kill those people. Hopefully, we will all learn something about ourselves and each other. And we will learn to stop the cycle of hate and vengeance and come to value what is really going on in this world. I forgive everyone for this process, which seems to be wrong."

Philip Ray Workman (Image made by author/ Original images from Wikimedia Commons)

Ronnie Lee Gardner

Ronnie Lee Gardner was executed by a firing squad on June 18, 2010, in Utah. Gardner received the death penalty for the murder of two men. His first murder was In October 1984, when he killed Melvyn John Otterstrom during a robbery in Salt Lake City. And the second one took place in April 1985, in a court, when he shot attorney Michael Burdell while trying to escape.

Gardner's last meal was quite extravagant and consisted of steak, lobster tail, apple pie, vanilla ice cream, and 7-Up. But even more surprising was that his request to watch The Lord of the Rings film trilogy while eating the meal was granted.

After his brother's death, Randy Gardner became an opponent of the death penalty and would wear Ronnie's prison jumpsuit to anti-death penalty demonstrations.

Ronnie Lee Gardner (Image made by author/ Original images from Wikimedia Commons)

Ricky Ray Rector

In 1981, Ricky Ray Rector killed a man in a restaurant and agreed to surrender to the police. But as the negations were finalized, Rector changed his mind and shot police officer Robert Martin in the back. He then shot himself in the head which ended in a lobotomy.

After his recovery Rector was sentenced to death by lethal injection.

His last meal request was steak, fried chicken, cherry Kool-Aid, and pecan pie. On the day of his execution, Rector left the pecan pie on the side and told the officers that he was "saving it for later".

Ricky Ray Rector was executed on January 24, 1992, and then Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton was one of the people who oversaw it.

Ricky Ray Rector (Image made by author/ Original images from Wikimedia Commons)

Lawrence Russel Brewer

Lawrence Russell Brewer was a white supremacist who already served time before being incarcerated again for violating his parole.

Upon his return to prison, Brewer joined a white supremacist gang. On June 7, 1998, Brewer and two other gang members, John William King and Shawn Allen Berry, tied African-American James Byrd behind a pickup truck and dragged him for three miles until his head and right arm were cut off.

Brewer showed no remorse for the monstrous act and was executed by lethal injection on September 21, 2011.

Brewer's last meal request was a feast consisting of two chicken fried steaks, three fajitas, a triple-meat bacon cheeseburger, a pound of barbecue, a meat lover's pizza, a bowl of fried okra, a pint of ice cream, and peanut butter fudge with nuts.

However, when Brewer got the meal, he refused to eat any of it claiming he was not hungry. That act angered the prison officials so much that they ended the 87-year-tradition of last meals in Texas.

Lawrence Russel Brewer (Image made by author/ Original images from Wikimedia Commons)


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